
Terms of use

This blog is copyright © Meaghan Newson 2021.

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Image credits

Where I have published images on this blog for which I do not own copyright, I have taken all reasonable steps to ensure they are in the public domain and that they have been correctly attributed.

For any inquiries about the copyright on these images, please contact the original copyright owner.

If you believe I have made any errors in attribution, please get in touch.

Home page image credit

Lamber, E. F. (ca. 1823) An old maid’s skull phrenologised or Franz Joseph Gall measuring the head of a bald, elegantly dressed old lady; her pet poodle is entwined in her wig on a chair. Coloured aquatint by F.C. Hunt after E.F. Lambert. Wellcome Library no. 11838i. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Site identity image credit

Fowler’s phrenological head, Staffordshire, England, 1879-18. Science Museum, London. Licensed under CC BY 4.0.

404 page image credit

Alken, H. (1826) (attributed). George Combe lecturing on phrenology, portrayed with protuberances on his head. Coloured lithograph. Wellcome Library no. 11836i. ttps:// Licensed under CC BY 4.0. h

Academic references

Where there is peer-reviewed research relevant to my blog topics, I have sought to reference this correctly at the end of each page. Some references may only be available through libraries or by subscription.

If you believe I have made any errors in referencing, please get in touch.